Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Solid Yellow Line Is Just Two Dotted Yellow Lines

Reasons To Be Happy #6
1. Pumpkin seeds
2. Happy endings
3. Pillows
4. Laughter
5. Clean fingernails
6. Princess voice
7. Dynamite Rolls
8. The Strokes
9. Ellen Degeneres

Before I begin my frivolous post about my life I'd like to say that I was absolutely devastated when I heard about the Rutger's student who took his own life when his sexual preference was outed over the internet. Ellen Degeneres addressed the issue today on her show and I think it's extremely important that everyone see it. It may sound cliche, but it really does stem all the way back to pre-school. The number one rule has always been "treat others as you would want to be treated." regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation. We are all people. Stop the hatred, it's poison.
Here is the link to Ellen:

Now on to my mindless jabber concerning my day! Today I woke up at 12:30 to a text from Samara telling me to come downstairs because she was bored with her homework. I probably would have stayed in bed much later too had she not physically appeared in my bedroom demanding I go downstairs and keep her company. I was so groggy that I honestly don't even remember what we chatted about. Eventually Sierra woke up (around 2) so she joined us downstairs (I'm of course reading my script and searching for jobs.) I then did my own mini run-through of Into the Woods, twice. and you'd think I would be ready for rehearsal after that...
And a thought.
Why is it so awesome when you see someone you know while driving? I might see you all the fucking time but because we are on the highway I cannot contain my excitement. Please drive parallel with me for the next 5 miles...
Can't you tell I just recently started driving?
Today all of us residing in this household went out for sushi and it was SO DELICIOUS. On the way there Samara and I honked at like ten 15 year old boys and blasted porno music from the jeep. It was fantastic. I got the dynamite roll (surprise). It's funny because no matter how many times I order it, I will never get any better at eating it. It's literally the most not bite-sized sushi you could ever eat, but it's delectable and beautiful. Sushi is probably the prettiest food I've ever seen. I always feel like I'm eating a masterpiece. It's my favorite food and it's like the only thing I'm completely incapable of creating myself. I need a job. Like whoa.
After sushi and miso and mochi goodness, I went to rehearsal. I am mentally retarded, or at least I always am during act 1. WHY CAN'T I COUNT?!!! Bahh. Well it went a lot better than the last run but I'm much better in act 2 when I don't have all of those weird songs about the prince. Ahhh when cars drive by my window looks really scary, like there is most definitely a monster rapist outside with a ladder to my room. Random. But back to the show, I think it's going well, although everyone looks pretty sleep deprived and it's not like I'm one to talk..why am I blogging at 4:03 AM?! I should speed this up. I also HATE the fact that as soon as we start running the show I start sweating like I'm in the NBA. Could I possibly look any less ladylike with visible sweat marks on my shirt every time I lift my arms. Pit-stains. How perfectly princess like. What nice alliteration skills I have. I'm so tired that I'm getting completely off-topic. Must. Continue. Blogging. Rehearsal was alright. I love my gold slippers. They have bows.
We got home and carved pumpkins. I created a Lady GaGa Bad Romance template and it turned out pretty bad-ass even though it took me forever. I attached a picture to this post. I had to drink like 4 mountain dew to get me through carving that thing. My pumpkin (Dishsoap is his name) was one hefty mo-fo.
Now the usual:
My dream meaning: "Explore the unexpected opportunities that come your way."
Definition: Hot Tea- remedy for everything including but not limited to sore-throats, broken bones, broken hearts, hangovers, and stress.
(My use of tea is comparable to how that man from My Big Fat Greek Wedding uses windex)

And piece of mind: Today I looked in the mirror and realized how far I've come in the last couple months. I'm proud of myself. I've never in my life admitted to really doing something wrong until now. Yes, it's incredibly sad that something that minuscule could take anyone 18 years to realize, but I'm here now and there's no looking back. The situation is not ideal, but if none of this had happened I never would have been given this opportunity to grow. Appreciate. Appreciate. Appreciate. (Especially as far as the opening of Into the Woods goes...5 days till preview)

"You say two lonely people only doubles something sad. But I really think two lonely people cut lonely in half."

I bet my 4:00 in the morning writing is worse than my normal illiterate self:)

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