Thursday, October 14, 2010

Not A Day Goes By

Reasons To Be Happy #17
1. God
2. Squirt
3. Theatre
4. My kitties
5. Good customer service
6. Sharing
7. Man tights
8. Greek yogurt
9. Mario Kart

Today I was a little too sassy.
First I woke up way late, and had to scramble to go meet Kalea downtown-but not before laughing at some facebook drama over a picture of a girl in her underwear. Well maybe you should not have posted it if you want people to take you seriously is what I think...but no matter. She got offended and sent me hatemail-then I said. Okay rude. I was not trying to offend you-I was merely stating the obvious...that you're NAKED. Then she said that I was being sarcastic and was a bitch-like 4 times. Okay A. I'm really good at being sarcastic. One of my strong points I would say, and I was in NO WAY sarcastic in this message-so of course I was offended that she assumed my brand of humor to be so terrible. Then B, a bitch? really? Over facebook? Grow up. It's a public forum. If you are going to post a picture of you in your bra and sheer panties at your little coffee hut (that was on the news for misconduct.) then girl YOU ARE ASKING FOR IT. No ones' jealous of you. I'm perfectly capable of selling my body, the difference is that I don't.
So of course I had to laugh at her...again.
This was someone's status in my news feed:

"Philip Gore How dare you call yourself christian and be pro-gay? Does the bible not spicifically address homosexuality as a sin? Yes, yes it does."

Of course My blood was absolutely boiling. I can't remember the last time I felt so much anger. I began reading through all 100 of the hateful comments only to become even angrier. I deleted him immediately-and I told him to go fuck himself.
And I still want him to. But that wasn't the right thing to say-even though he was completely wrong to post such hurtful things on his page-or even to think them, so I sent him another message that apologizing for being hateful-just like him. I told him that just because he had a "gay friend" doesn't mean that he understood the struggles that they undergo in their everyday lives, and because of people like him. I told him that God created gays, and loved them. That it wasn't his place to judge and that God would be disappointed that he was preaching intolerance. Then I told him to check his spelling...because seriously he's like illiterate. Public school...
Anyhow, I'll probably get another email tomorrow trying to convert me. Bring it. I will not go down in this argument.
God I love you-but you're followers are scary.

That was so much unnecessary drama...and I definitely did not help by getting involved. I'm exhausted.
The show went well tonight. It was pay what you can, I don't think anyone came for me. I was a little disappointed but it's expected. I mean my current best friends are in the show and Andra is seeing it next week I think. I miss Eddie, a lot. During the show I forgot to say the first part of my line in Steps of the Palace "and from out of the blue." So I just said "" I'm retarded. So that's kind of funny. Then we noticed that the baby has a weird chin dimple and I stroked it during the last scene-to the point where I could not sing because I was trying so hard not to laugh hysterically. Danny never knows the words and he pretends to sing...right in my face so that's always amusing too:) I also went to coffee with Kalea today. Starbucks is back open-thank god. I went to RJs and asked for some bread and when I went to pay they said it was on the house:) That's so kind! I also ran into this girl who tried to beat me up freshman year because her boyfriend starting dating my friend...or something. That was seriously awkward. It's like "Oh hey! Remember when you tried to kill me? Oh yeah...haha high school."
On top of everything I've been kind of lonely lately and it definitely did not help when I saw this woman at safeway who proceeded to walk up to me and explain how she was Isaiah's coworker and how she hadn't seen me at Tops in awhile since he moved (which is preposterous, I go there all the time) and blahblahblahhhhhhhhh, tons of useless information that I didn't process as I kindly tried to find a place to interject and say "..we aren't dating." before it went too far. But oh it did go too far, and for a moment I contemplated alcoholism...but that passed. I bought my yogurt and drove home-listening to Rock Me Sexy Jesus the whole way.

Now I'm here with Bella-grumbling at the fact that I have to take off this stage makeup. Oh! And I forgot to write that I was proposed to by a like 40 year old today. 4 times. In the street. He even got down on one knee.

Definition: Slutty underwear- WEAR THEM. Why not? Even if people don't see them, they totally boost your confidence. The sexier the better.
Piece of Mind: "No One Is Alone" is always my realest moment in the show. This show is actually a lot of the reason that I've changed myself, for the better of course. Every night, during this song, I live through the person I loved leaving me. I live through every horrible mistake that led up to it, and then I look down at Alayna, one of my best friends, and I smile. I remember that people make mistakes and that I have to honor them. Someone is on my side.
No one is alone.

My friend Juan posted a beautiful video on his facebook telling young gays that they aren't alone and to keep fighting.
For tonight I will be quoting him:

"It doesn't just get better. It get's really fierce."

To all of those struggling out there due to their sexuality- someone is on your side, even when it feels like it's hopeless.

It gets better.

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