Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Way You Are. The Way You've Always Been.

Reasons To Be Happy #7
1. Improvement
2. Furry animals
3. Hip grandmas
4. Starbucks
5. Alliteration
6. Magnets
7. Smiley emoticons
8. The key signature of 4/4
9. Honesty
10. Freckles

Dear god, our run-through today went so much better than I expected it to! I was so much less of a fuck-tard than I've ever been in the first act, so I'm fairly content tonight. My blog post is going to be cut very short because I still have to create a flow-sheet for the first day of tech tomorrow. My voice is suffering major with this yuck that's going around. Everyone's sniveling and coughing, it's really quite disgusting. And since this is the first time I've felt vocal fatigue since I had my tonsils removed I don't exactly know how my voice reacts to sickness/ what my limit is as far as talking/sleeping/singing goes. But I totes need to sleep. That was an overdose of slashes. Anyhow I have so many fucking quick changes in this show. It makes me want to punch a small child in the face. Plus I have to do half of the first act while wearing one shoe and I actually (not in the show) tripped backstage the other day. I also have to go buy a special bra, footless dance tights, and false boobs all before noon tomorrow. Oh fun goodies. Oh and today I retardedly (I really don't think anyone ever meant for that to be used as an adverb) ran into the set and scraped my arm hardcore. I just ran into the side of the set, like an idiot. What is wrong with me. But I improved, and if I ever find time to sleep I will continue to improve. I hope.
Today we went to Alayna's grandparent's to eat breakfast and her grandmother asked me if I could show her how to make a Farmville account on facebook. I pretty much peed my freaking pants. Amazing. Then Alex and I watched The Office (Halloween episode, season 2) while Alayna slept. I also got starbucks somewhere in there and it was as if Jesus himself had served it to me. It was that good. My throat is burning up and I can't breathe through my poor little nosey. And I just had to run downstairs because the puppy has decided that jack-o-lanterns are threatening and has taken it upon himself to alert the entire house (by yipping of course) that there are some on the kitchen counter. IT'S OCTOBER! October is my favorite month. I can't wait till I'm not so stressed and I can really enjoy it. I get my license in 4 days. THANK GOD. I really need to stop facebook stalking people that I actually really don't care about, but I become so engrossed in their melodramatic status updates and dirty mirror pictures. It's like a terrible car crash where I just can't look away! Truly. Oh whatever, none of this matters and no one reads my blog except me so I think I'm going to end right here, write my flowsheet, drink some tea, pray for wellness and peace and then go to bed and not wake up until I feel like it/have to. Someone hire me soon, I'm running out of coffee munz:(
Dream Meaning: I didn't dream of anything but Sondheim, and we all know what that means. I'm nervous and that I need to keep practicing.
Definition: Over-sized eye-glasses with thick frames- essential to giving off the impression that you don't give a fuck and to hide the fact that you aren't wearing any makeup. (I'm making fun of myself.)

Piece of Mind: Get it right. Get it right. Get it right. I will be brilliant tomorrow in rehearsal.

"She's harmful, and hateful, and foolish. I'll love her the rest of my life."

I can be so foolish sometimes.
Onto the steps of the palace.

PS: That picture is with my lovely Prince Charming. He's such a sweetheart.

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