Monday, November 1, 2010

I Am The Clown With The Tearaway Face

Reasons To Be Happy #32
1. Halloween
2. Pumpkin pie milkshakes
3. Driving
4. Hot showers
5. Half-priced candy
6. Creative costumes
7. Invitations
8. Limousines
9. Pumpkin guts
10. Foreign films
11. Fluffy pillows
12. A little pitcher for cream
13. Facial scruff

I didn't blog yesterday! I was exhausted from the show and strike-so I went to sleep instead. But now I'm back (because I have such a fan base you know...)I figured that since I'm the only person that reads my blog it would be okay to skip a night:) Let's start with an overview of yesterday. I woke up and got ready to go meet Dennis for coffee-which was quite lovely! Until the most horrific thing happened. Now I'm sorry if this is graphic for anyone-but I got my period in the middle of our coffee date and was way too embarrassed to tell him, so I left super abruptly and probably seemed really rude. I was like I have to which he said "ohh now?" and I said "uhm yes." and then left. Only of course I made it even more awkward...because that's just how I do things I guess. After that I called Andra to tell her about it-only to find that she was stranded in Bellingham on the side of the freeway because her car's engine had stopped working and the car was leaking antifreeze. After hearing that my story seemed a whole lot less traumatic. She said she had a place to stay for the night and I offered to go get her the next day, so we planned that all very quickly. Then I hung up and went to get more coffee (I think I might have a problem) and then off for closing night! The show went so well. I'm very proud of what I've accomplished. Right before it started Matt and I had an impromptu photoshoot because we discovered that we were both wearing grey t-shirts and black pants. I'm definitely going to miss his face the next month. I was hardly ready in time for the show. I was actually putting on my headscarf right as I heard the stage manger call places...cutting it really really close. I took some hilarious awkward pregnancy pictures of Danny and Carolyn during intermission and Matt and I took some cute little shots of him putting the slipper on my foot. We had a Woods photo op:) I enjoyed every second of my last show...and so did my grandpa! I was moved to tears that he decided to come. This role was such a big step for me and I was just so glad to share it with him! I really wish that more people could've come-but I understand that it's expensive. After the curtain call a woman came out and proposed to her girlfriend-it was so sweet. They were both crying-yet so giddy. I know it sounds silly, and really, I mean this in the least pessimistic way possible, but I just don't think anyone is ever going to love me like that. I'm too weird and out of control and I just don't think it's possible:) But really it's okay, I have enough love in my life to last forever and as long as I keep loving other people I know things will be alright. Anyhow! Danny and I were put on costumes for strike, so we pleasantly went to work sorting shoes. Danny accidentally broke one of the boxes and it might as well have been the funniest thing that's ever happened because I laughed for about 5 years. I think I was seriously tired. After all of that I ran through the rain (in my GaGa heels-of course I wore those to strike) to my Ginny. We drove home and I had some tea, pet the cat, was bothered profusely by my brother's weird show-off friend, talked to Danny and then went to bed. Now for today! Today was Halloween! There was not enough time in the day to do all of the festive things I wanted to. First I called Andra to see if I still needed to go get her in Bellingham but she said that the towtruck was taking her back, so that was easily settled. Then I got a call from Samara saying that she wanted to come hangout with me and that she needed to shower. So Samara came to my house, bathed and then we listened to some Kesha for awhile. The new Kesha single is no different than any other hit single she's ever released. It's about partying, she's drunk, there's an acapella part, and there's a badass beat. It's really catchy. Then we parted ways. I went to return the Belle costume but no one was in. Then I decided that I wanted a pumpkin pie milkshake, so I stopped by Eagan's and got one then I drove by all of the beautiful autumn leaves-through pretty neighborhoods and I wished more than anything that I was better at sketching, so I could document it all with pencil and paper. I bolded that because I just now realized that it's a repeated line that Cinderella says in Into The Woods. I think I'll go back tomorrow and take pictures of the quaint houses and tall trees. Fall is so stunning. The whole time I was driving I was listening to The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack and singing a long of course! After my drive I went home and made a list of creative costumes that I will concoct for next year- I wasn't my exciting self this Halloween. I was a bit of an introvert. But I hardly used to spend time alone, so I think it's important I learn how to live that way, plus I really don't mind it. Even when I used to see people everyday some of my favorite times are when we would read to each other or listen to each other's heartbeats or look at the sky. I guess deep down I'm not as much of a party queen as I may be perceived as:) Derrick invited me to a party at his house but I stayed in and watched Pan's Labyrinth instead. I skyped Eddie for about an hour..mostly about Harry Potter and how epic it is. I went and picked up Andra at her house after she got home and we drove back here to gut my pumpkin-which was surprisingly difficult. The seeds were delicious though. I ate so many-covered in oil and seasoning salt. Mmmmm. Now I'm about to wake Andra up and take her home. Pan's Labyrinth is so beautiful. Isaiah used to joke that I had only seen "30 minutes" of the movie because I shield my eyes from the gore. I tried to watch those parts tonight and it still was really hard for me..however I can always watch Mercedes slice that assholes face. Gratifying. So I don't really know what the deal is...anyways:) I have to go! I hope I get home in one piece. Happy Halloween!

"It's a secret garden."
"Secrets are safe with me."

So incredibly grateful today!

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