Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When Did Cinderella Turn Into Such A Fucking Hipster?

Reasons To Be Happy #3
1. Pesto
2. Having a "usual"
3. Hobos with interesting signs
4. Puppies
5. Child's pose
6. Pinecones
7. Harry Potter
8. Straight teeth
9. High-waisted shorts
10. Epiphanies

It's 4 in the morning so this entry is probably even shittier than my last two. Why am I awake?and why am I blogging? Why am I not listening to DeVotchKa and pondering the meaning of life?
Today was a good day and my dream last night was very interesting. Dream interpretation: "indicates renewal, meditation, and spirituality. You may be undergoing a readjustment period after experiencing some serious personal conflict or an end to a passionate affair. Steady progress is being made." Thank you subconscious for the heads up:) I also took the time to look up some of what my doodling means today to find that I have confidence, but fear making errors, I love to design and express ideas, I have musicality, rhythm, and long hair. Who knew the wavy lines covering all of my past math assignments could reveal so much about me.
Yoga is so lovely. I spent about an hour and a half stretching and meditating-although I must admit it wasn't easy with a puppy constantly bringing me toys to throw. At one point he even decided that (while I was in downward dog) he was going to crawl on my back and maybe take a power nap there. I had egg whites with pesto for breakfast. Pesto makes life more bearable. Whenever I look down at my food and think "This needs pizzaz." I always add pesto. Pesto butter, pesto mayo, pesto instead of mayo, pesto cream cheese...anything really. It never fails to delight my taste buds. And speaking of taste bud If anyone were capable of loving me half as much as I love coffee it would be incredible. The baristas at 3 starbucks and 2 coffee stands know me by name, and at 2 of them they start my drink the minute I walk in the door. It is because of you, John, the downtown dreads coffee man, and you, nice boy with gages who gives me extra espresso, and you, ethnic boy who always says hello to me when I see you outside of the cafe, that I have faith in humanity. I am obsessed with all of you, but mostly the fantastic lattes you make.
On a different note.
Today a hobo said to me. "Hey I'm a bum. Want to take me home and make me the happiest man alive?"
I said "no." and walked away rather quickly.
Rehearsal makes me want to punch a baby. I feel like every time I make an acting choice it's wrong. Maybe I should learn my lines/ how to count at all. Everyone says that I've been doing well though so maybe that's just an indication that I act like a frazzled, clumsy, mistreated, princess in real life? Not entirely sure. Sondheim rules my brain.
Also eddie and I decided that we are going to write a kick-ass self help book. I'll just add that to my list of things to do, along with going to the pumpkin patch, and outlawing mannequins with faces and pointy boobs. Since when has that ever been okay? no matter. I've also decided that for every blog entry I will add a definition that pertains to my life. AKA the Dictionary of Bailey.
DEFINITION 1: Ukelele- Instrument essential to any song labeled as "awesome."

And of course I'll end with a quote-that I find especially potent today.

"Well I have blamed them, I have fought them, but I never understood. All they really did was do the best they could."-Stephen Schwartz

Every time I read that quote I forgive a little more and I love a little more too. No one is alone. Truly.

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