Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Kind of Crucifix Around This Munchkin Land

Reasons To Be Happy #4
1. Peppermint Tea
2. Local Musicians
3. Meaningful Tattoos
4. Glitter
5. Agile Squirrels
6. Letting go
7. Love

Right now I'm blogging from Andra's FREEZING house! The thermostat is broken and I feel like I'm an eskimo wrapped in all these fuzzy blankets. Whoever invented micro-fiber was a wizard I'm sure...How do they make them so soft?! I smell like stale cigarettes and pot because I just got done working the door at the Capital Theatre. The Melvins played and I actually really enjoyed it! I can understand how bouncers can become such douche bags though, I mean having the ability to tell people whether or not they can enter the building, asking them if they are "on the list" or having people flash you their stamp before they reenter, it really could give you a false sense of entitlement:) I personally felt like Gandalf at the door. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" I tried to say that anytime someone tried to sneak in. I ran into some people I hadn't seen in a long time and although it was hard to catch up while constantly repeating "Inside wrist. Thank you." it was still lovely to see them all! There are so many fantastical tattoos in little old Olympia! and especially on inside wrists... I saw many many infinity signs:) I also stamped the lovely Kimya Dawson. I recognized her tattooed wrist before I looked up to really see her. We've had so many run-ins in this tiny town, one day I will work up the nerve to tell her how much I love her music. It's funny how many men have to flex their arms in order for you to stamp them...
But before any of that ever happened today, I woke up to a sad little puppy crying at the door so I let him in, snuggled, searched for jobs, had a very nice conversation with an old friend, did some yoga, and went off to starbucks, where they made my drink and handed it to me as I approached the counter. I'm so broke right now and I just felt absolutely terrible walking past this poor man who asked for money for a cup of coffee and I had none on me! One day when I'm rich and famous I will buy all of the hobos frothy lattes. I won't forget you sad man:(
After that depressing encounter I ventured to Kalea's where I watched an old Disney film (you know back when they were allowed to be sad and creepy?) called "Return To Oz." There was an insane asylum, a talking chicken, and a princess who stole heads. It was absolutely terrifying and I have no idea how it ends because I had to leave to grab some yummy Darby's with Catherine and Kalea. While I was there I named a squirrel "Meatloaf" and pondered the new Swedish puppet film called "We R Animals" here is the synopsis:

"Snow White the rabbit is stuck in a sadistic man's pet store, she craves for love but nobody wants to take her home. But one day the animals wreck havoc and they all escape, including Snow White. She gets lost with her newfound freedom and almost dies, until the nice old lady Alice saves her. Snow White would've had a bright future if not for Alice's jealous and vindictive dogs, who call on their friend Flash, a shady and devious pimp cat. Together they plan to transform Alice's apartment into a brothel for animals, and force Snow White and even the human Alice into prostitution.

We R Animals is a comic adventure, filled with drug using cats, horny dogs, cat-ninja assassins, vampire bats, cruelty and magic. In essence We R Animals is a love story told with warmth, where sometimes the laughter sits in the throat and forces us to question the morals and views of both animals and man."

What. The. Fuck...

Now onto the usual portion of my blog:
Last night's dream meaning: "Your lifestyle and beliefs may be in conflict with another's. Injured pride, or a jolted experience."
Definition: Quarters- The only efficient way to pay for coffee.
Story of my life.
And finally a little piece of mind: Owning up to your mistakes is hard. Placing the blame on someone else is the easiest way to never grow. Admit when you're wrong. Don't hold grudges. Make amends. Let go. But continue to love. It's the only way to heal.

Here's my quote for the night, from one of my favorite selections of poetry:

"Here’s what I know about the realm of possibility— it is always expanding, it is never what you think it is. Everything around us was once deemed impossible. From the airplane overhead to the phones in our pockets to the choir girl putting her arm around the metalhead. As hard as it is for us to see sometimes, we all exist within the realm of possibility. Most of the limits are of our own world’s devising. And yet, every day we each do so many things that were once impossible to us. "
David Levithan

Today was a good day.

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