Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where They Go Hardcore And There's Glitter On The Floor

Reasons To Be Happy #11
1. Miso Soup
2. Scary cabbage patch dolls
3. Mountain Dew
4. Surprises
5. Lipstick
6. Little pebbles
7.Golden shoes
8. Colored tights
9. Animals that greet you at the door
10. Jamba Juice

First of all I heard the news today that the missing boy in Bellingham was found dead in a lagoon. So sad. I hope that his family and friends are doing alright-although how could they? When you see those things on the news they don't really seem real, which is why it's just that much more horrifying when it happens in an area that you're familiar with. I have about 15 friends who go to the same school as that boy. I hope they find out what happened to him.
In other news, preview night was tonight and I think that it went fairly well! I didn't mess up my counting at all! Although there was one point where I actually (not blocked) hit my head on the bridge, stumbled over, and fell onto the ground. It was completely unintentional and there is definitely a giant pink mark and bump on my forehead. Also my dresser for my quick change put my shoes on the wrong that was kind of an adventure. I felt like one of my TMP campers. Only about half of my 6 year olds ever had their shoes on the correct feet, and even now I don't know how they do it because I can't say that it was entirely comfortable. No matter I defs got lipstick all over the prince when we kissed because Sierra insisted on putting a shit ton of princess make-up on me. I love make-up...but I also hate it. The pictures that Dennis took with my camera look great from what I saw, but we won't know until tomorrow:) I HATE HATE HATE my profile! Why is my nose so pointy! It's funny because all of the guys who have ever been interested in me always notice my nose and comment on how it moves when I talk and is "cute" but I just think it's ugly in profile! Danny told me today that he thinks he can't get a date because his nose is so jewish and that he's getting it fixed as soon as he has money, but I don't even notice his nose, so maybe I'm over exaggerating about mine. Oh well. That sentence was written poorly. I'm not fixing it. Hmm now I'm watching Law and Order and rewarding myself with some yummy miso soup. Sierra gave me all of her seaweed too because she is not a fan. We are waiting for Dave to get back with nutella and a pint of phish food icecream. Tonight we're going full out. Some of my friends came to the show tonight but they sent me a note saying that they left at intermission. I was a little disappointed, but it's okay. It's really weird not having any friends to invite to the show. They're all in Tacoma or Bellingham, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Utah, Oregon...pretty much not in Olympia. And you'd think that the Bellingham and Tacoma people could drive a little ways right? But I don't think they're up for it. Oh well, it's a lesson for me. I will drive to support my friends because I think it's super important. Actually I kind of lied 2 people I worked with over the summer came and saw the show tonight. Maybe they will spread the word that it's wonderful:) I hope they enjoyed it!
Well I don't have my camera so I won't have a pretty picture describing my day.

Definition- Broken cookies- Better than full cookies. Must always be eaten after a job well done.

Piece of Mind- My drive test is tomorrow and I think I'm going to fail. I've never been so terrified. I will probably fail. I will let you know tomorrow.

We have a good show I think and making new friends is my favorite past time.

"If you are able to be yourself, then you have no competition." -Barbara Cook

Oh I love that quote so much. I like to think that I take something from everyone I meet, see, listen to even, and that somehow all of those experiences make up Bailey. And that melting pot of...well adventures, I guess is what makes me unique. But sometimes I have to remind myself to not be a cheap imitation of someone else. It seems like it's easy to just copy other people, but I've definitely learned that just being myself is one of the most basic (but marvelous!) things I could ever do. Honesty is the key to everything.

Opening night tomorrow! Good vibes.

Also- Sierra just found glitter on her cheese and was really distraught about it. I am literally like herpes.

OH and PS: Yes my title is a Ke$ha song. I thought it pertained to my life because everywhere I walk I leave a trail of glitter.

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