Reasons To Be Happy #25
1. Silly shaped gourds
2. Matching mugs
3. Air fresheners
4. Hook
5. New shoes
6. Dark chocolate
7. Harry Potter spells
8. New people
9. Earl Grey
Oh Goodness it's so late(slash..early?)! I must be off to bed soon. Right now I'm typing from my brother's amazing tempurpedic mattress with Bella kitten at my feet and I'm exhausted. Today I woke up to Mishelle and Emily arguing extensively about everything...I mean EVERYTHING. Andra finally got up and told them to stop talking-I was glad that I was in bed because the whole thing seemed super awkward times 10 to the maximum. Yikes. A few hours later I woke up and enjoyed some banana bread (I love love love banana bread!) and then headed to my house, where I showered and tidied up some things. After that I set off to meet Andra at World Market where I bought Danny and Matthew a little housewarming gift (Some matching little mugs and a holder) Then i bought myself a soda and some chocolate and the man at the counter made a joke about how I had a "healthy diet." I, of course, felt the need to make the situation more horrifically awkward for this poor cashier who was trying to be flirty and failing, so I said "You think I need to go on a diet?!" to which he said "Oh! NO!! I just thought...I mean I love chocolate...and this is my favorite soda...I get this stuff all of time. Maybe we should diet together sometime?"
Well played cashier man.
After that we headed to the mall where I bought an air freshener (clean linen) from Bath and Body, a t-shirt from Charlotte Russe, and a pair of shoes from F21. I'm in love with scent bugs-I want ALL OF THEM. They have seasonal ones now and you best believe that I will be purchasing all of them. As far as Charlotte Russe goes-they never have anyone to unlock the dressing rooms so I always get changed in the dressing room area but like not behind doors and people always look at me like I'm nuts...but guess who's waiting for a room while I get dressed with lightening speed...Forever 21 employees were so annoying today. They were like running about the store and no one was at the register. Rude.
Tonight the show went well! I think Dandan liked the mugs I bought them so that's good! The food table had Crispy Cremes on it tonight and I had one...It was so delicious and I'm sure that it now resides in a place called my thighs. After the show I headed over to Derrick's house. Kevin, Derrick and I watched Harry Potter and talked for about 3 hours and then Kevin led me to the freeway. They were both so friendly:) Kevin even tried to pick up some sushi on the way there because yesterday I told him it was my favorite food! Plus you can't go wrong with Harry Potter.
Now I'm home and I'm ready for sleep. I'm not uploading a picture I took because my camera is in the car and it's cold and rainy.
Definition: Harry Potter Spells- Perfect names for all future mix CDs.
Piece of mind: Don't worry. Be happy.
"Be exceptional. Make tremendous efforts to be extraordinary. What a privilege to be here on the planet to contribute your unique donation to humankind. Just make sure you do so... "
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