Reasons To Be Happy #15
1. Festive sugar cookies
2. Almost breaking character
3. Mix CDs
4. My little brother
5. Epiphanies
6. Seashells
7. Lava lamps
8. Acoustic guitar
9. High heels
Today was beautiful! I woke up super early (well...for me) and went to coffee with Dixon and Lexy. We did some quality catching up but it was definitely one of those things where you get there and go "...oh god..what have I been doing? I'm so boring! I have nothing to say." Luckily I can generally keep talking no matter what (although I probs came off rude) but i was genuinely interested in their new college lives! I mean, honestly, if someone really wanted to hear about my life they could probably just look at my blog for the play by play. It's also lucky that most don't know I have a blog. Blogs are seriously lame...and I'm not joking. But the point is, neither of them have blogs so I really am in the dark. I hope I didn't talk TOO much. I also enjoyed a wonderful new pumpkin spice cream cheese muffin and of course...a white mocha. I don't even want to know how many calories were in that muffin...PLUS I had coffee twice today, granted I don't eat anything else, but still. I know employees at every starbucks in town, that's kind of embarrassing. I mean realistically I should be about 50 lbs heavier than I am right now.
Today's show...
might as well have been the funniest thing that's ever happened to me. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard. First Danny said "only three items left to locate." which is WRONG. It's two so we all were dying backstage while carolyn was fixing that mess onstage. Then I just didn't sing my line in the opening of act 2. Instead of "Not an unhappy moment since." I said, "muhhhh muhh since!" too which the Matt squeezed my hand and was trying really really hard not to laugh as he finished the rather unfinished phrase anyway. THEN I was doing my quick change backstage and I couldn't get my arm into the costume so I was having a cow and trying to get my arm out of the sleeve (so i was late on my entrance. Then one of my fake books fell out onstage, but I caught it thank god. Also a ton of the pies rolled into Cinderella's house during the earthquake and I was not entirely sure how to react to that so I went into an awkward freeze where I was hiding behind the chair because I was laughing so hard...again. Then I sang the wrong lyric...loudly at the end of the show and we all were laughing at that too. Then Danny looked straight at me and proceeded to say no words at the end of the song. He just started making mushmouthy vowel sounds and so that also made me pee a little. Definitely a quality piece of art/evidence that we all need a break. And we get one!!!!!! Tomorrow is my first day off in WEEKS. Dandan and I are going up to tacoma to go shopping! Fabulous.
After the show I drove to Andra's house and then we carpooled to the football stadium where we witnessed my little brother's team get crushed by the biggest 8th graders I've ever seen- WHO IS GIVING THEM STEROIDS. So that was weird. I was wearing 6 inch GaGa heels so of course I was mean-mugged by some grannies, and of course I screamed peace and love when the other team was being rude. PEACE AND LOVE!!! My mom get's so embarrassed when I do that. Now Andra and I are baking those wonderful seasonal sugar cookies! I love them so much. They have pumpkins on them. FESTIVE!! Then we are going to attempt to make these brownie/cookie bars. I figure I can eat this stuff on my one day off right? Besides I lost weight. I'll do extra yoga tomorrow. I can't wait till my new yoga class starts. I'm going to be a superfox by christmas:)
Dream: I'm shielding myself.
Definition: Arrested Development- TV show made to watch over and over and over again. Also to make you feel more functional than you actually are. Always funny.
Piece of Mind: Today I realized that I am a completely different person than I was a couple months ago, and i have no desire at all to go back. I'm moving forward, one step at a time. The next step is someone hiring me! Hopefully I'll find a job soon. I know it's horrible but I'm so glad everyone moved away. The next step is me moving even further away, that way I can come back and appreciate quaint little Olympia even more than I do now.
I want adventure in that great wide somewhere!
"I was crying because I can't get this shadow to stick. And I wasn't crying."
My two favorite Disney movies.
Lovely night:)
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