Reasons To Be Happy #13
1. Driving
2. Singing
3. Britney on Glee
4. Pretending to be a crazy person when hit on
5. Waving at everyone I see
6. Barbie Dolls
7. Nice boy at the bank
8. Key changes
Right now I'm catching up on my shows! First Glee, then The Office, then Weeds. Don't think I'll get through all of them tonight though. Tomorrow I get a new phone and am planning on checking up on some applications. Today I woke up at Andra's and waited for a while for her to come home so we could make crepes! I even did some of her laundry, but alas she came home too late and I had to head downtown to edit pictures for ITW press shots. I actually did a great job with parking! But it was so stressful that I made stephanie go get coffee with me because I was not about to park.. again. So Steph and I went out for some starbucks and FINALLY someone was impressed with the fact that the baristas knew my name, life, and drink order. Then we headed back to the playhouse where I discovered a Cinderella barbie on my chair! YAY! I LOVE gifts backstage. It doesn't even matter what it is-I will love it. Which is probably why the Cinderella doll, which was already fucking rad, was that much more awesome. Alec Clayton came to review the show tonight. I was good, but not my best....I hate being reviewed. Also Alayna spilled her basket of sticky buns all over the floor so everyone was sliding around in the crumbs and glitter. Kind of a hot mess. I have mystery bruises all over my legs. No joke, it totally looks like someone's been beating me. I would count them but quite honestly people who talk too much about their bruises both bore me to death and make me extremely angry, so I will refrain.
Every time I start driving now, I literally sing Into the Woods (everyone's parts) in the most cheery fashion and then I wave at all of the other people driving. Carolyn made the comment about how all of those people think I'm crazy, but I kind of am so it's fine. Also Carolyn enlightened me today that when we walk to our cars if someone tries to hit on us/get us we pretend to be crazy and homeless and if that doesn't work and they get all of the way to the raping part...then you just pee. So we practiced being crazy for a second and that was kind of fun. Then I drove home in the dark AND rain. It was perfect. I love the dark and I'm not joking at all. Plus I saw a cop and he didn't pull me over! and I put a voodoo donuts sticker and a Ghandi sticker on my car! Now the quest for the most flawless air freshener begins. I have to go to the bank tomorrow but I really really don't want to unless the nice boy is working. He's the only one who is some what amused by my confusion...the rest of them scare me. I don't know why Jesse had to move to Cali. It was really nice to have a legit friend who worked at the credit union.
Oh! I also forgot to write that yesterday while downtown first I ran into My friend Josh and that was very nice, second I was recognized in starbucks for my spandex cat suit in JCS to which they said "I will never forget your catsuit." and third when I walked by the giant sign depicting a dead fetus in front of Planned Parenthood, instead of the usual "Hello. Have a nice day. Let my wave a picture of a mutilated fetus in front of you." the woman walked up to me and said "I'm so glad your mom didn't abort you." OFFENSIVE. Why would you ever decide to say that to a passing stranger. I literally just gaped at her like "Uh excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU." and then walked away...seriously?!
I really really need to order my halloween costume.
Dream: Let go of your defensiveness.
Definition: Flavor-blasted cheddar goldfish- Better than normal goldfish. Always keep a box handy for snacking.
Piece of mind:
Creepy text boy. You are truly obnoxious. Next time you talk to me I'm going to text you back to leave me alone. The last thing you told me is that "I needed you. Especially to heal after my ex." you said you also that "I needed to be touched and that you were the only one who could do it."
Excuse you. Let's clear this up a bit.
I don't need any guy. Ever. And I certainly don't "need" one to touch me. Do I really come off as that foolish? That I would actually fall for that line. You pretend like you're this awesome spiritual guy, who's looking for inspiration and that's it. You tell me that you want to "heal" people. Right. How many males have you healed? None, I bet. You think that since you've "cleverly" disguised what you're doing I won't see through it. Well you're wrong. I don't care how many times you tell me that being naked on a bed, being massaged by oil is a "spiritual awakening." or that we did that or this or whatever in a past life. It's BULL. You're a phony. I've known inspirational, beautiful, spiritual people all of my life, and you are NONE of those things. You are a misogynistic man-whore.
Oh and by the way-it's not really that I don't like to be touched. It's just that I don't want to be touched by you.
You should probably wash your hands every once in a while.
Tomorrow I sign up for a yoga class, voice lessons, call the college, and get a new phone...maybe a pair of shoes.
"God must be a painter. Why else would we have so many colors?"
Of course, I forgot my camera again. So i posted a picture of something I thought was pretty.
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