Reasons To Be Happy #27
1. Halloweentown
2. Sweater vests
3. Clean hair
4. Meowing
5. Lipstick
6. Karma
7. Flowy dresses
8. Mountains
9. Staying in character
10. Peanut butter cookies
11. Little Women
12. Driving in the fall
One of my new favorite things is driving when the air is crisp and dry outside-and it's absolutely freezing, so you are so bundled up in your car (gloves and whatnot) with the heat blasting and the colored leaves falling all over your car and into the road. Today I left an hour early just to take a super scenic route. The trees look so beautiful. I was listening to Cake the whole time too so it just felt perfect. I woke up today-went and bought a latte, then was off to Hot Toddy to purchase a new keychain. Her name is Coral and she's a scuba diver. The woman at Hot Toddy let me in before they opened because she said she knew me well and liked me. There are so many kind people in the world! I always feel bad for my Stew's Brews weekend barista because he must think I'm absolutely bonkers. I always get there on my way to the theatre so A. I'm hardly awake. B. I never park at a reasonable distance away from the window. C. The Stokes is usually blasting and I'm always flustered with my wallet and D. I never have any makeup on and my hair is usually in a bun atop my head. He knows my drink though!
Today the show went well except for some tech issues-that went terribly terribly awry. For instance, my birds not only fell from the sky in the first scene-but so did the weight and they all broke from hitting the floor....as I was singing "Fly birds...back to the sky..." they were not flying, they were actually quite dead, on the floor of my house. But I am proud to say that I did not break character. How the fuck did I do that. Anyhow. The next bird scene they came down and didn't move....just kind of floated. And the last bird scene...which I was of course dreading, they didn't come out of the sky at all. COME ON. I mean seriously. How many times are you going to test my improv. Just get it right. Then the bridge was in the wrong place for like 4 scenes and the tree couldn't move so the witch was stuck in it during the last "Crunch" so Danny and I went and moved the bridge...which of course was awkward but she had to get out of that tree. Then I decided to paint the baby's nose red and draw fangs on it's face. Danny was not pleased when he found out-onstage of course. Then he got so distracted at one point (by the cabbage patch rudolph vampire baby that I had created) that he said "A Yam Maiden" instead of "Young Maiden." Lord have mercy....I absolutely lost it. Thank god we are supposed to look happy because I was actually dying of laughter. After the show I headed to Andra's and told her about my life. Apparently the little girls' cheer competition went horribly. They scored a 98 out of 100 and then were disqualified for having stunts that were "too dangerous." I feel bad for them! When I was in middle school that competition was really important to me. I would practice my jumps and kicks all year so I could win jumping queen and so our team could get first place. Wow. I didn't realize until just then that I am Rachel Barry. Yikes. Anyhow-you girls are the real winners so don't fret:) As soon as we got home I made like 10 pots of tea and had some french bread and balsamic vinegar as we watched Dexter. Everything on Showtime is so quality. I spent 2 hours filling out a job app while Halloweentown played (shout out to the Disney Channel) and then the server went down and my extensive job app didn't save. That was beyond frustrating. So I called Danny, talked to him for awhile and then watched this other freaky medical show with Andra. Now she's asleep and I have migrated upstairs. Hello couch. You are basically my bed. Anyways- I have a lot of places to go badger about hiring me tomorrow so I need to get some sleep!
Dream: Concentrate and focus on your goals.
Definition: Eggs- Good inside food, sometimes with other food...never ever alone.
Piece of mind: I'm happy:) I hope someone hires me!
"I've lost my marbles."
I will always love you Peter Pan.
More pictures of GaGa.
I need her,
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