Reasons To Be Happy #31
Saturday, October 30, 2010
We Were Not The People That We Turned Out To Be
Reasons To Be Happy #31
Friday, October 29, 2010
Skeleton You Are My Friend
Reasons To Be Happy #30
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
She Went To Her Wardrobe And She Threw Away The Color
Reasons To Be Happy #29
We Are Building A Religion

Reasons To Be Happy #29
And yesterday is weaving in and out
And the fluffy white lines that the airplane leaves behind
Are drifting right in front of the waning of the moon"
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Throwing Caution Through The Wind
Reasons To Be Happy #28
1. Gilmore Girls
2. Compliments
3. Walking
4. The painted plate
5. Friendly people
6. Belting out The Strokes
7. Chai tea
8. Tetris
9. Getting mail
10. Candles
Right now I'm typing into text edit from Alayna's bed because the power went out and so did the wifi. This day has been beyond epic. I don't know where to even begin. Here goes:
I woke up at 1:00 PM exactly, and immediately went to shower out the 2 days worth of hairspray from my head. Then I printed off 10 resumes and cover letters and headed out on my job search. No more nice girl waiting for a call….I'm applying to the whole fucking world, I applied and rallied to mangers and filled out applications for hours (about 4) I got rid of all my resumes. SOMEONE HIRE ME! Tomorrow I plan on turning in 10 more. I did all of that on one cup of coffee-so naturally I was exhausted afterward! I headed to Forever21 to exchange my new shoes (they gave me two right feet) and it took them about an hour to find a left foot. But alas, they did! And now I can wear them! After all of that I was even more tired so I decided to stop in at Alayna's house for a nap. I woke up to the dogs (WHO AREN'T FIXED) about to get jiggy with it on top of my chest. Not the correct place to impregnate someone... So I freaked out. Shortly after, Samara and Sierra got home and rewoke me after that terribly traumatic experience. We talked for awhile and then Samara left, leaving Sierra and I the house. I wanted a glass of wine really bad but still had to run home and to check my bank account. So we set out to the ATM (and possibly Taco Bell...) and that was rather uneventful actually looking back at it. Although it felt like an adventure because we ended up stopping in at Safeway too. Once home we were both chatting online when suddenly the power flickered and went completely out. So it's like 11 PM, and Sierra is screaming bloody murder upstairs and I'm thinking there's an axing psycho and course I get up there and she says "I'm afraid of the dark." and then continues to cry. So I go to my car and get a flashlight, and I know that there are no candles in the house because when we carved pumpkins there weren't either. While I'm checking around the neighborhood to see if anyone else has power, Sierra is talking on her phone so much that it dies. So then she uses my phone to call her grandma at drunk-oclock. Then Sierra starts rambling about how the sun's not going to rise in the morning and how she can't not know what time it is and my phone is ringing and blowing up with texts. So I turn away from craycray for like 5 seconds and answer to find Andra a hot mess. Her and Greg broke up so I force Sierra into the car and we are on our way. I probably went like 85 on the freeway because I got there fast-and it wasn't pretty. He is such a douchebag-and it's only frustrating that we already knew that. But he's really gone for good this time-I think. We took down all of the pictures, got rid of all the clothes, and I put all of the presents in my car and will take them back tomorrow. We comforted for about an hour before Abby arrived and we all chatted and had some cookies in the giant bed. Sierra and I left soon after...back to the dark house. I need to put gas in my car. Anyhow now I have kitty sleeping next to me, and I'm exhausted again.
Definition- Taco Bell #8- Chalupas, best thing on the menu.
Piece of mind- Being alone is not something you ever want to force yourself to do. No one wants a Christmas by themselves-or a Valentines Day. But the fact is that it's necessary to grow up. You can't really be happy with someone else until you're happy with your independent self.
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go."
- Dr. Seuss
Monday, October 25, 2010
He'll Fight, He'll Fly, And Then He'll Die

Reasons To Be Happy #27
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Some Rise By Sin And Some By Virtue Fall
Reasons To Be Happy #26
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thank You For The Pineapple

Reasons To Be Happy #25
Friday, October 22, 2010
Just say Hello. They May Ignore You Or Marry You But It's Worth One Word.

Reasons To Be Happy #24
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Like To Throw Up In A Gucci Bag

Reasons To Be Happy #23
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I May Be Small But I've Got Giant Plans
Reasons To Be Happy #22
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I'm Madly In Love With You And It Isn't Because Of Your Brains Or Personality
Reasons To Be Happy #21
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I'm Not Afraid Of Anything
Reasons To Be Happy #20
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Piano's This Melancholy Soundtrack To Her Smile
Reasons To Be Happy #19