Reasons To Be Happy #37
1. Noodles
2. String cheese
3. Power Outages
4. Umbrellas
5. Ornate picture frames
6. Grocery lists
7. Laughing babies
8. Finding new ways to disguise the taste (and sometimes texture) of vegetables.
9. Liberation
WAIT WHAT!? 37 Lists of things that make me happy?! When we get to magical number 50 I'm going to need to go back and do a recap of my hectic life and just revel in how much it's changed in so little time:) I haven't been blogging lately-for various reasons. Mostly because I've been caught up in being kind of-unhappy. A bad habit of mine. So of course-after a mini meltdown, that consisted of me singing Come To Your Senses over and over again (my voice song as of two lessons ago) until finally I just laid on the studio floor with tears streaming down my cheeks and stared at the ceiling, questioning every decision I had ever made( so overdramatic...I know). Well, after all of that, I got in my car and drove to Danny's. We watched the football game-which was actually a HORRIBLE game for the Steelers, and I went home feeling a little better-but still rather defeated. And then I looked into the mirror, and I thought about something that Danny had told me. "If you think that, it will come true." he said. And he was so right. It's okay to be sad-I mean I have to be right? How else would I become good at acting if I didn't understand sadness? But strength...that's me. I have a very potent personality. I don't care about conflict-if that's what it takes. I don't beat around the bush-blunt might as well be my middle name. And I always stick up for what I believe in. The only person who knows me and thinks that I'm weak-is myself. But it's just not true. More than I am sad-I am strong. And that's just something that I have to remind myself of everyday, even if it takes a thousand sticky notes strewn about my life with motivational sayings.
All of what I just said was just explaining why I wasn't blogging/doing anything worthwhile-sort of:)
Things that have happened lately: I GOT A JOB!!!! I was hired on the spot at my Aldo interview and I am more than happy! A european shoe store that I LOVE, with kind coworkers and a seriously kick ass discount. I went to my first day of training and I really do think that it's going to be a good fit. Bring it crazy holiday season-I will vanquish you. What else what else?! Well I bought a couple pairs of pants-which I never do, so thats kind of alarming. Little Women is going quite well and I think that the show will be quite charming. I tried on all of my costumes (There's seriously like 8) and I AM IN LOVE! Between my cute little girl dress, and my beaded wedding dress, and my...get ready...my BUSTLE!!! Oh my god I am obsessed with that bustle. I will now require a bustle for every show that I'm in. Not really (I typed this because it's kind of hard for me to convey sarcasm/humor like that(?) over the internet) Anyways I fucking love the bustle. Tonight during the wind storm...and rehearsal the power went out and Bruce and I definitely saw a ghost and I thought I was going to pee myself. It was TERRIFYING. Then I went and had some apples and caramel with Andra and we chatted about silly things and then I left and a giant branch fell on my car while I was driving. Scared the shit out of me. I actually pulled off the road for a second, I was so shaky. I got a new bed-it's giant and both the cat's sleep with me now. I've yet to get bedding though-so that's next on the list...besides orange juice and deli turkey of course. I also watched this really cute video of a kitten riding a turtle and I can't get over it. Little Clarke has made it to the Fifth Ave Theatre in Seattle! He's collaborating with Pasek and Paul and I am so jealous!!! Danny, Eddie and I are going to see him in the show and I seriously cannot wait! He just did a preview of his favorite song on TV and I am so proud:) I'm just beaming at the computer. I'm so glad that my room is finally back to being clean...it was scary here for a while. And I talked to Haleigh today:) THANK GOD. I miss her and I talked to Em too and Eddie...and Kali comes back so soon and the Harry Potter premiere. So many glorious things to look forward to. Oh! and today I went to my starbucks with Carolyn and they had closed but the boy working brought me out my usual (2, one for Carolyn too!) and then gave it to me free of charge. It was so sweet:)
Definition: Talking to yourself- completely socially acceptable.
Piece of mind: God didn't I already say so much in this post?! I guess what I can leave with is that this new show, new director, new responsibility, new job-all of it, is just so great. I'm very proud of myself. I'm going to go amazing places. To europe, even just to a new town. I'm going to learn a new language. I'm going to learn to sew, to refine my artist abilities. I'm going to taste fantastic wine and delicious food, and I will meet the most wonderful people. I will have friends from all over. I can't wait to meet them. Sometimes I think that I romanticize my tale. But honestly-I don't care if I do. I've never thought that my life would be uninteresting and I plan to do as much as I can with the time that I've got. In some ways I'm like Jo from Little Women. To hell with it all. I'm doing it my way and no one can stop me.
"The sound of our voices made us forget everything that had ever hurt our feelings."
If it weren't for music, I swear to god I'd be locked up in a padded room right now. I'd be insane.
Happy #37:)
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