Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And Like A Holy Relic Or A Mystery Novel

Reasons To Be Happy #33
1. New Beginnings
2. Carolyn
3. Toddy with hazelnut cream
4. That satisfied feeling after you clean
5. Kind strangers
6. Watching marshmallows explode in the microwave
7. Harmony
8. Swingsets
9. Bunnies
10. 500 Days of Summer

I must blog quickly because I have a voice lesson tomorrow at 2 and I need rest (especially because that's what time I woke up today/yesterday.) I was quite satisfied with my day today! I woke up...late but then set right into cleaning. I cleaned the whole kitchen! I did 3 loads of dishes (Josh had friends over) and a load of laundry. Then I started to organize my closet and shoe collection! Job well done:) I even swept! After that I went to Danny and Matt's and we planned to get Jamba...but let's face it we are all poor, so instead I sat on their floor and we talked while I put some makeup on. I know that he's only gone for two months but I'm seriously going to miss Matt. I make another friend and he's off to do a christmas review in Wisconsin, story of my life:) He's leaving his gamecube though so Danny and I are going to seriously play Mario Party everyday. I followed Matt to rehearsal so he could say goodbye to everyone-then I'm pretty sure Danny and him went to buy coolant at Walmart...uncool. But I guess Walmart is cheap, so it's okay guys...I forgive you. Rehearsal went well! The cast is super small and they upped my pay which made me so giddy:) I sat by Carolyn and Christie and Alisa is so sweet. I think we are all going to have a good sister bond for sure:) I'm closest with Carolyn which is perfect because Meg and Amy are supposed to be close-so I'm optimistic! The director's name is Adam and he's from out of town. He seems very energetic and lovely! I'm excited to work with someone new:) He asked me what I played in Into The Woods and when I said "Cinderella" he smiled and said "Oh of course." Which made me feel wonderful:) Although rehearsal was fantastic, I was absolutely retarded at my harmonies today. I'm singing in the middle for most of the chords and my brain was just not in gear. I was literally playing my note on the piano and singing Carolyn's. Out of control. At least we were laughing at it though. After rehearsal I scheduled a voice lesson and then headed to taco bell to meet Derrick. He told me to meet him by the lacy cinema and I thought okay no problem. Only I got super lost in Lacey and just kept thinking "Oh I'll just drive around some more and I'll find it eventually. I was actually laughing at myself really hard because I was literally just cruising around Lacey with no idea where I was. Finally I pulled off and answered my phone to find that Andra's sister ran away and had climbed a tree. The cops were trying to coax her down. Yikes. Then Derrick called and I gave him some basic landmarks so he could come find me in the heart of Lacey. After that we went out for the classiest meal of tacobell and then went on a walk to this cute little park. It was about 1 AM so it was super dark but I still climbed on top of the monkey bars in my heels. Then we headed back, talked, had some tea, and watched 500 Days of Summer. Such a splendid film. Now I'm back home:) Ready to call it a night.

Definition- Retainers- great to wear at night in order to keep your teeth in line, unless you haven't worn them in a long while. In which case they are the most painful things to ever happen to your poor little teeth.
Piece of Mind- I want to get a job. And after I get a job I will start paying my bills. After that I will get an apartment. And After that-I will go to college where I'd like to. And after that I will audition everywhere. And after that...
I will see the world.
All of it.

"The secret to happiness is freedom. The secret to freedom is courage."

Goodnight blog!

1 comment:

  1. I want to get a job. And after I get a job I will start paying my bills. lol... This made me laugh hard, the whole jag. I have had many jobs and still don't pay my bills but seriously though how ya gonna get a job when you're up til 1:00 jumping on monkey bars and having fine dining at taco bell it sounds like you barely have a moment doing a million things at once as is.... hmmm, now I'm hungry thinking about taco bell. kudos. peace out cub scout.
