Monday, September 27, 2010

You're Not Good. You're Not Bad. You're Just Nice.

Reasons To Be Happy #2
1. Internet Dream Interpretations
2. The Dirty Projectors
3. Sunny Delight
4. Bows
5. Grandparents
6. Leggings
7. Sondheim
8. Zucchini bread with strawberry creamcheese
9. Tom's shoes

Right now I'm typing at the kitchen counter instead of my bedroom because my roommate is hyper-senstive to the smell of fish and I decided that I was going to cook salmon (what with ITW rehearsal dinner progressively gets later every night.) Needless to say, she smelled it from upstairs before it even left the microwave, and now as long as I'm eating I have to stay down here. She's going to be so happy once she discovers that my favorite food is Sushi... Today, today, today. What did I even do today? Well for starters. Today I was an absolute hypocrite. Today I wore leggings as pants, which I have always have frowned upon-but you know what? I hadn't done laundry in a really long time and I wanted to be comfy. So of course I asked myself the question that usually helps me make decisions in times of absolute emergency, I thought "What would GaGa do?" And it dawned on me. She would do whatever the fuck she wanted. So I wore leggings as pants and I totes owned it. But even so if you are overweight or you have a disposition to prostitution (I compare all sluts to prostitutes, although I have more respect for prostitutes. If that's how you're going to carry yourself you might as well get paid.) and I see you wearing nothing but leggings and a tiny abercrombie tank..maybe some boots with the fur? I will still judge you. I might even kick you. Please learn the proper use of pants, everyone will appreciate it. Okay, but back to being thankful and free of bitterness:) Today was actually quite spectacular! I woke up to St. Vincent and went right to my morning Yoga. I've been trying to mix it up a bit and try some different yoga workouts on On Demand lately. Today the yoga instructor was a little awkward as she just about orgasmed over her ab workout-but it was some quality work on my core so I'm not complaining.
On an entirely different note, something kind of interesting about me is that I never really used to dream until about 2 months ago. Then suddenly all of these strange dreams of hives, and people from the past driving me around in cars, rotting teeth, frantic was completely out of control, so I started researching the symbolism in all that I remembered from the night before every morning. The symbolism was rather potent today "You are doubting your accomplishments and the goals you have already completed. You feel that you may not be measuring up to the expectations of others."
Oh how true.
They say that dreams are glances into the subconscious mind and that often by listening to them we can find systematized solutions to actual conflicts we may be facing in our everyday lives. It's so intriguing to think that even while I'm sleeping my mind is constantly working and that in times when I remember the dream, I can decode it and discover something new about myself.
It's riveting.
In other news rehearsal went very well today:) I'm think that I'm doing alright for a Sondheim virgin and I'm completely ecstatic about playing another princess, but holy hell is this show a mouthful.
Say this as fast as you can and you're doing under tempo. "Though it's fearful, though it's deep, though it's dark, and though you may the path, though you may encounter wolves, you mustn't stop, you mustn't swerve, you mustn't ponder. You have to act. When you want your wish, you can get your wish, but you can't just wish, no to get your wish you go into the woods..."
Sometimes during rehearsal I actually question whether or not I was clubbed over the head earlier that if that would explain my inability to count the weird-ass time signature.
No matter.
I love the movie 500 Days of Summer. It's just real. Below is a quotation from the film.

"Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin, and they end with no lasting memories made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life."


PS: That picture is of me wearing leggings as pants.

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