I've decided to put a new twist on this blog. Even though, quite honestly I had forgotten that I had one until a couple hours ago. First of all I'm using it again. And second of all as entertaining as all of my ranting may be- I'm not sure that every post will be that way, and I know that they definitely won't begin that way. I've always found blogging to be a little self-indulgent, I mean, you log onto the internet to tell the world about your life-as if the world cares about your trip to the laundromat, or how attractive you think Joseph Gordon-Levitt is (so beautiful). I purchased a book a while ago entitled "Stuff White People Like" and number 149 just about sums it up for me. It reads "Self Importance...Every white person is worthy of a memoir...Due to an undying need to share their life story with everyone who will listen, white people have taken to blogging in massive numbers, though it is no surprise that many have simply turned their journals/diaries into blogs where they talk about the latest episode of American Idol, Darfur, or their experience in a coffee shop." A. Yes. These are the kinds of books that I read. B. I am exactly like this book. This blog is for me, and anyone of my friends who feels the need to read it. It's completely self-indulgent. and C. I will probably talk about TV shows, different countries, and duh, coffee shops, because like so many Washingtonians, I'm obsessed with frivolously frothy lattes. But I digress, this blog will always start with a list, of my reasons to be happy. To be thankful. It wasn't until recently that I learned how important letting go of the ugly and embracing beauty is...and I definitely haven't finished learning, in fact I have a long way to go. Of course, knowing myself, I'm sure that sometimes after I type my reasons to be happy I will probably type underneath a crazy rant of frustration...but at least those are entertaining right? No matter how bitter. Old habits die hard:) But this is a step in the right direction. So here we go:
My first reasons to be happy:
1. Nutella
2. Orange cats
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4. Forgiveness
5. Singing in deaf-voice. (Yes. This is offensive.)
7. A beautiful Cinderella costume
Seven already:) What a wonderful list! And what would a blogpost be without ending with a quotation of some sort?
"You can't be ugly-be pretty."-Clementine Kruczynski
I'll be back tomorrow.
bailey, you should of had a blog for journalism hahaha it would have been so much easier. i heartsies your blog. truly.
ReplyDeleteOh Lexy I love you:)