Reasons To Be Happy #351. Milkshakes
2. Inspiration
3. Flowers
4. Liza Minnelli
5. Drag Queens
6. Best friends
7. Smiling at strangers
8. Bumperstickers
9. Meaningful tattoos
10. Color
11. Hugh Jackman
This blog post is two days in one because I was too tired last night to write at all:) Yesterday I applied for more jobs and went and visited Kevin at work. He works at a little coffee stand called Dutch Brothers and he gave me free coffee-which was delicious! It had 4 shots of coffee in it though and I totally thought I was going to die. My heart was completely beating out my chest. I was so antsy! I kept singing about the traffic-it was as if merging was the most exciting thing I could ever do. Anyways then Kevin asked if I wanted to hangout that night and I said yes but then quickly rescheduled and decided that instead I was going to go visit Danny-whether he liked it or not. So I went and bought the largest pumpkin pie milkshake at Eagans and drove to his apartment. Once there I called him and said "Where are you?" (he was obviously there because his car was in his parking spot) to which he said "My apartment" and I said "OH MY GOD NO WAY! That's where I am too!" Then he said "stupid!" and opened the door happily to find me all wigged out on caffeine holding a giant milkshake. I gave him the delicious milkshake and then we played Mario Party. My caffeine high had a giant crash right about the middle of our game and all I wanted to do was nap. We put the computer characters on easy and lost \-so that was really sad. But then I used his ab peanut and we watched videos of Little Women and he choreographed while I facebooked. I had some nutella toast also! AND made a really good christmas mix...I know I know jumping the gun. But I found this bomb turkey song that I'm definitely going to sing for the world via my facebook page. Can't wait. Like at all. I might do it right now. Anyhow, after all of this I went home and to bed. THEN today I woke up and went to get my paycheck. I visited with Stephanie, Steven, and Cathie for awhile and that was quite lovely:) Then I met Kevin downtown and he brought me more delicious coffee (only 2 shots this time)! We walked around the lake for awhile and then went and visited Steven. Making new friends is my favorite thing. I want to make friends everywhere I go:) Then Kevin took me to get my palm read which was AMAZING and I will write more about it later. Then I went to Radiance and bought some tea in bulk and he took my debit card and wouldn't let me pay for any of it! It was very sweet:) After all of that I went to F21 and bought 2 dresses (hopefully to wear to interviews). Then to rehearsal where we did a "play through" which is basically a read-through on your feet. It was kind of intimidating, having to make so many choices on the fly. But the cast is super talented and I enjoy everyone. Carolyn and I sat crying and holding hands during Beth's death and it wasn't even staged yet. The show will be quite touching. After rehearsal everyone went out to get a beer-so obviously I could not go:) I went to Andra's instead and we walked to Safeway where this creepy man with a broom followed us around the store and pretended to need to sweep around us in every isle we went into. It was awkward-he was rapey. Then we ran into Garrett Holbrook who was driving back from having breakup sex with his...girl I guess. He told us about how much he loved Hollywood and it was amazing and blahblahblah. I'm happy for him I really am-but the Hollywood party scene does not impress me at all. I think that there are WAY more talented, real, people living in New York and I would much rather live there. There's too much bullshit in Hollywood. I could never thrive in such a fake environment. He had flown back for elk season...at least he's aware that he's a redneck I guess. Then I went to Andra's and ate and talked and drove home and now I'm here and I NEED to get some sleep:)
Definition- Balsamic Vinegar- The best kind of vinegar, always perfect with olive oil and french bread.
Piece of mind- Having my palm read was the most inspiring thing that's happened to me in a long time. The woman was wary of me (I could tell) when I walked in and said I wanted my palm read. And it really was sweet of Kevin to take me there because the first time we met I commented briefly about how I'd always wanted to have it done-and he remembered:) Anyhow the woman looked at my hand and I'm going to try and list everything she said, now keep in mind that I said NOTHING during all of this because I wanted to know how real it was and was not about to give away any information about myself.
The first thing she said was that I was a singer and a dancer. She said that I pay attention to detail and that it's important to me so I'm good at performing and that I would be a very good accountant but that I would never choose that because I would hate it. She said I would have 3 careers throughout my life-which would be very long. She said that I've been very healthy throughout my life except when I was younger where I was sick a lot. She said that I would always be mature for my age and that I had a lot of common sense. She said that I preferred to be in a relationship with someone but that I was very very picky about who I am in relationships with. She said that I'm kind and too the point. I'm blunt and I don't usually like wishywashy people. She said that I wanted to travel and see everything and that my parents wouldn't like it and there would be a lot of struggle there. Money is important to me. I am very balanced and level-headed. She said my biggest fault is that I can be too much of a people pleaser at times because I want to keep the peace. She told me that people are going to tell me that I need to settle down and have a house and a home and that I shouldn't do it until I'm actually ready. She said that I will lead such an interesting life. At one point she looked up at me and just smiled and said "My dear you are such a free spirit. I'm so glad that I had the privilege of meeting you."
I was just speechless! Here I am thinking that this will be fun but probably a crock of shit...and she looks at my hand and says "You sing."
Everything she said was true. And not like when I find a way to fit my horoscope to my life. She was dead on. I did have problems with my health when I was little-I almost died several times in the hospital. I am SO picky about guys-infact I had just said that Danny the night before. I do prefer to be in a relationship. I can't be in one now because I'm so picky-but I hardly know my life without one. I pay attention to detail-and being an accountant would drive me fucking nuts. I'm blunt. I hangout with people a lot older than me and that could be because I'm mature or because they aren't but...I'll just hope that I'm mature. My parents won't help me pay for college if it's out of state and they don't want me to do theatre. They say that it's a waste of money and time and that I will fail. They don't want me to travel-at all. Danny also said to me the night before-stop trying to make other people happy, what about Bailey? Which I think that I think too much about myself-so hearing this from 2 different people in one week is a little strange.
The very last thing she said to me was this:
"Remember God wants you to have freewill."
It's so strange because the truth is-until she said that-I had completely forgotten.
What a splendid day.
"Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore."
That's from Mother Monster:)
Let's change the world. One sequin at a time.