Thursday, September 10, 2009

fundraising and an inefficient doctors

DAY 2- not so bad today! i decided that i would try my hardest to not be bitter at the musical situation... although i must say it isnt working out terribly well. I also decided that i would take the initiative to type up some handouts for upcoming performances in the community and to get some fund-raising going. the good news is the class was fairly pumped up about this and began throwing out some great ideas! so hopefully we're well on our way to success. Also seniors won the first spirit competition. SENOIR.

after the school day was over i rushed off to my appointment at the ENT (where they insisted i arrive 15 minutes early). Only to wait 2 hours in a cold office that reeked of diapers and never go in to my appointment because A. by this time i was freaking pissed off and B. we had to pick up josh from football. THEN the receptionist had the nerve to act like this was somehow our fault. needless to say, i will be changing doctors soon.
anyways, i still don't have pictures... but i'm working on it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

the countdown begins

DAY 1...So this morning a woke up at 5:00 as to make sure i didn't forget anything for the 1st day of school. I made my brother breakfast (his first day of middle school was today). It didnt actually feel like anything special... like i'd always hoped it would. For some odd reason i've always had this skewed perception that when you're a senior in high school all of the student body and faculty will suddenly bow down to you and let you do whatever the fuck you want. Needless to say, i woke up feeling no different than the day before and soon discovered that the schedule had changed. instead of releasing school early twice a week, we now have 3 longer period twice a week. well fuck again. i grabbed a royal mocha (courtesy of Stew's Brews!) and went on to "enjoy" one of the worst school days i've ever had. here are a couple things i wish i would have known before going into it. NUMBER 1: you will never EVER remember what happened first period. All you will remember is that there is a shrine of jimmy belleville on the wall. HIS FACE WILL HAUNT YOUR DREAMS FOR IT IS EVERYWHERE( he was the wrestling state champion for like 4 years). but yoga is not a bad way to start off the day. i literally have no idea what we did that class i was so tired, but at least it wasn't a math class. NUMBER 2: you didnt watch the news during the summer. you watched 12 hours of the office to see jim and pam fall in love, but you didnt watch the news. you have a pop quiz in AP government and all you know is that michael jackson died, some black man got arrested for trying to enter his own house, and that meghan wants a millionaire went dastardly awry when one of the top 3 bachelors turned out to be a psycho killer...and not like dexter. you also will discover that your teacher knows nothing about any of his students personal lives and will probably talk about pregnant women and what they go through to a class consisting of a teen who just gave birth and 25 other students who know about it. NUMBER 3: some people think that The Fast and the Furious is a better film than Donnie Darko... to all of you i say thats nice that you like cars, but i secretly hate your guts you tasteless moron. NUMBER 4: some people like Transformers, and Nicholas Cage. what. the. fuck. one day i will devote an entire blog post to all of the reasons that the remake wicker man is so terrible. then hopefully you all will read it and say "wow. she's right. he is ridiculously talentless. (save for raising arizona..i will give you that) and watching him makes me want to ask cinderella to tell the birds to peck my freaking eyes out so i never have to see him punch another woman again." (that was an into the woods reference for anyone who didn't catch listening to it right now. genius.) NUMBER 5: journalism cannot print the paper because the school cut their budget completely this year. yeah. if i could think of anything to cut it would definitely be the only thing that keeps the student body informed on school related issues. black hills you fail. NUMBER 6: Algebra 2 is the hottest class you will have all day. bring extra deodorant. also, everyone assumes that you're a frequent sudoku-er even though all you know is that it consists of little boxes and random numbers. NUMBER 7: some teachers lose their minds. some teachers believe in method acting, or in other words, sleeping for an hour. some teachers do not care how much work you put into their program. they will keep giving you shit. it doesn't matter that you spent countless hours painting the walls of the chipping theatre or the floor of the green room. it doesn't matter that you spent six hours organizing the prop loft, alone. it doesn't matter that you advertise and stick up for the sad excuse of an arts program. that you try to motivate. and fundraise. but it always comes down to your own small small pocket. no. they dont care about these things because they checked out a long ,long time ago. back when they used to let students decide what shows theyd like to be in. instead of throwing a jukebox piece of mutherfucking crap our way. elvis? REALLY? our audience doesn't care about elvis and neither do the students. it flopped on broadway for a reason. i should have known that they would give me nothing in return. like always. oh and by the way i left while everyone was trying to a be a bicycle. they didn't notice because all of their eyes were closed. please someone tell me how becoming a bike will help you become a better actor? i can guarantee that i will never play a bike in a show. so what the fuck is going on. NUMBER 8: people who hate you, will always pretend that you are best friends. so to you i say: if you thought i was retarded (which i highly doubt) then let me tell you something IM NOT.

so obviously some taco bell was in order.
i then went home with kind isaiah and turned on the television only to find that "the virgin suicides" was on (i read the info and it said kirsten dunst, so i was like ehhh i'll check it out, it also said it was a comedy). Unfortunately i only saw the last 30 minutes of it. so all i know is that there are 4 sisters. one of them goes to a dance has sex and gets drunk. so they all get punished and have to burn all of their rock records. They also aren't allowed to leave the house. ever. no school no anything. so like a month, 2 months in, they invite these guys over and kd is like ill go wait in the car. wait for my sisters here. so they wait and wait and wait and then they get like really excited and run upstairs, only to find a girl with her head in the stove, a girl hanging from the ceiling and a girl with a bottle of pills in her hand. kd asphyxiated herself in the garage. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!! so that was rather disturbing.
luckily fried green tomatoes was on television too. so i guess i ended on a decent note.
no i didn't do my homework.
go wolves.

PS: sorry if this typing is inconsistent. I'm aware.
PPS: i killed a yellow jacket with my electric fly swatter. rewarding.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the rush for school supplies

today consisted of running to about 8 different office stores in hopes of finding school supplies the day before my senior year started. bleh. i regret to inform you that there was quite a shortage of hello kitty lunch pails this year and i did not end up with one:( stupid. BUT i did manage to find a bag, a binder, some paper, and hopefully i'll survive tomorrow. my schedule this year is:
2nd-AP government
3rd-digital communications
5th-algebra 2
6th-advanced theatre studies

not so excited that i'll have PE first period, but at think i wont have to engage my brain.

in other news i saw a really really cute baby today and i wanted to hold it and play with it and dress it up (yes this is a run-on sentence that i have no intention of editing) and then probably give it back... because babies tend to spit up and do other nasty annoying things without warning. but it was cute.
still no camera.
maybe tomorrow though.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Muffin Tops and Kim Possible

I really have nothing incredibly profound to say. Today i ordered the Kim Possible ringtone in the hopes that i could answer the phone with "What's the sitch?" I also saw an amazingly large person sporting a tiny shirt and a pair of jeans that must have been a size four because they did not cover her her hips nor behind. It was quite a chilling sight. I almost phoned the police on account of her misuse of pants. I still shudder when i think about it. School starts in 2 days and i have yet to buy supplies. I've been focussing mostly on how to acquire a hello kitty lunch pail that i cannot live without. I have also recently discovered skype. It's fabulous. My camera is broken so it will take a couple days for me to add awesome pictures. Wait for it.